Complex sentence, definition, types, examples

COMPLEX SENTENCES (WITH NON-FINITE CLAUSES) Complex sentence – A complex sentence consists of one main clause…

Voice of English grammar, types, examples

Voice of English grammar Voice of English grammar – Types of voice – There are two…

Preposition defination & meaning , types , examples

Preposition defination & meaning , types , examples Preposition defination & meaning , types , examples…

Tense Chart in English , Definition, type, examples

Tense Chart in English Tense Chart in English , Definition, type , examples ABOUT TENSE –…

What is phrase , examples, noun phrase

What is phrase What is phrase PHRASES निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को देखो – 1. Ram is running.…

What is sentence , definition, type , examples

What is sentence What is sentence A sentence is a group of words which makes a…

Parts of speech in English , definition , types

Parts of speech in English , definition , types Parts of speech in English We have…

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