Protozoa diseases

Protozoa diseases Protozoa diseases – You have read about Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena. These are all easily…

Polio medicine

POLIO MEDICINE Polio medicine – Have you seen a child whose legs are very weak and…

Micro organisms

Micro organisms Micro organisms – If some curd is added to milk then the whole milk…

Chicken pox , symptoms and prevention

Chicken pox , symptoms and prevention Let’s see , Chicken pox , symptoms and prevention –…

Filaria caused by , symptoms and prevention

Filaria caused by Filaria caused by Perhaps you have seen someone whose one or both legs…

Beri beri symptoms and prevention

Beri beri symptoms and prevention Beri beri symptoms and prevention – This disease is caused by…

Rabies symptoms and prevention

Rabies symptoms and prevention Rabies symptoms and prevention कारण (Causes) – यह एक विषाणुजनित रोग है।…

Cholera is caused by

Cholera is caused by Cholera is caused by – It is a rapidly spreading disease which…

Hepatitis b vaccine, symptoms and prevention

Hepatitis b vaccine Hepatitis b vaccine पीलिया या हिपैटाइटिस यकृत (liver) से संबंधित बीमारी है। इस…

Scurvy disease , symptoms and prevention

Scurvy disease Scurvy disease स्कर्वी (Scurvey)- यह रोग विटामिन C (एस्कार्विक अम्ल) की कमी के कारण…

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