Tuberculosis is caused by
Tuberculosis is caused by Tuberculosis is caused by Causes – This disease is caused by the…
Diarrhoea Symptoms and prevention
Diarrhoea symptoms Diarrhoea symptoms Causes – In this disease, a group of organisms that infect the…
Typhoid causes and prevention
Typhoid Causes And Prevention Typhoid causes and prevention टायफाइड (Typhold) कारण (Causes) – टायफायड एक जीवाणु…
Malaria is caused by
Malaria is caused by Malaria is caused by मलेरिया (Malaria) कारण (Causes) यह प्रोटोजोआ द्वारा उत्पन्न…
Aids meaning , symptoms, prevention
Aids meaning , symptoms, prevention Aids meaning , symptoms, prevention एड्स (AIDS) कारण – एड्स का…
Anaemia meaning
Anaemia meaning Anaemia meaning Due to iron deficiency the amount of hemoglobin decreases. The amount of…
Fundamental Rights And Duties
Fundamental Rights And Duties Fundamental Rights And Duties Basic Rights and Duties :- Every human being…
लोकमत का अर्थ व परिभाषा
लोकमत जानिए, लोकमत क्या है? लोकमत का अर्थ व परिभाषा – (Meaning and definition of public…
मौलिक अधिकार कितने है
मौलिक अधिकार कितने है मौलिक अधिकार कितने है – मूल अधिकार व कर्त्तव्यः- प्रत्येक मनुष्य में…
International relations
International relations International relations India has always been keen to maintain good relations with its neighboring…