Essay on Environment Pollution | pollutions

Essay on Environment pollutions 

1. Introduction :-

The thin cover of air and water that surrounds Earth protects and keeps life. It is known as biosphere. It contains oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour etc. The green plants produce oxygen and supply us fresh air. Pure water is also supplied by natural that we require most.(Essay on Environment pollutions)

Air pollution

2. Limited Supply :-

Man has made a great progress with the help of science or supplying him several necessary things. He thinks that the sort of progress he is making is an unmixed blessing and has seldom thought that the air , the water or the food could end . He has little thought that he progress of Science and technology is seriously disturbing the life system balance. It would lead to The breakdown of the life supporting system on the earth .

3. The Damage started :-

Nature has been suffering for the past several hundred years. Now, the problem has become serious. The great technological break – through are doing a great damage on the environment. The highly developed countries were the first to experience the environmental diseases .

4. In India :-

The increased industrial activity has brought along Air , water and noise pollutions. These pollutions are making living difficult and resulting into Poor health and several diseases. These are also having negative influence on the working capacity of mens in general .

5. Causes :-

One of the chief air pollutants is smoke from our factories and is harmful for our lungs. The ever rising number of vehicles spreading foul smoke is also polluting the air. Human waste , animal bathing , industry waste etc .are polluting water . Even major rivers have become very much polluted. loud horns , loud speaker , musical system etc. are creating noise pollutions. It is disturbing the peace of mind of men. Atomic tests are also polluting the atmosphere.

Environment pollutions

6. Remedies :-

If we have not checked these pollutions it would become impossible for people to survive. The factories and mills must be erected outside the cities. Vehicles should be tuned to produce less smokes. Dirty things should not be allowed to mix in water. The vehicles should be compelled to produce little sound and there should be complete ban on nuclear tests.

7. Conclusion :-

The anti-pollutions laws are being made. Our government and people have become aware of the problem. We must fully co-operate in making our environment neat and clean .

Remedies of pollutions


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Author: educationallof

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